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A Quick Nine With Mike Doyle

Mike Doyle – Co Founder & Director of Instruction

1. Tell us about your career as a golf pro?
I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life when I graduated college, but I knew I loved golf, I was good with people, and I knew I wanted to live and work in and around NYC. I answered a craigslist ad from somebody who was starting an indoor simulator concept, who needed someone with a golf background. I was an all country golfer in high school and worked at golf courses during college summers, so I knew the game and some of the business. I helped test out some simulators, and helped clarify what made the experience fun and realistic. I loved the concept, but it was a ways out from being an actual business so I had to do something to pay the bills. My first job after school was selling private memberships over the phone for a golf company based out of midtown manhattan This was 2008, the economy was tanking, the job was just constant rejection and pretty far removed from the game itself. Our whole sales team got let go and I decided to get back into the game by working in the bag room at a newly renovated private club about 45 minutes north of the city, Brynwood. I spent three seasons commuting there and worked my way from cleaning clubs to being an assistant professional. I was the PGA playing test medalist, played in some local competitions and began immersing myself in teaching the game, reading every book, and watching every video I could from the greats. Instead of going south in the winter, my original connection had started a one simulator indoor golf concept in the back of a spa on 25th st. Quickly I began building a book of business teaching, fell in love with that side of the game, and realized that was the career path I would be all in on. I helped grow this one room simulator to a 3 simulator facility in midtown and decided to work there full time instead of going back outdoors. I spent 2 years watching this indoor business grow and learned a lot about what makes it work, and more importantly, what does not. It was actually here, I would teach and get to know Jared and Katherine, who ended up co founding Five Iron with me. Eventually, I parted ways with that company and started my own teaching business Mike Doyle Golf, where I was able to teach in the back of a men’s suit shop in midtown. I also consulted for Full Swing, the brand of simulator I used. I would help give demos and work with the sales reps if someone wanted one installed in their home or office. Jared and I always loved the original indoor golf idea and knew we could make a better version and something unique. Summer of 2016, Jared conference called me one evening introducing me to Nora (5i co founder) and chatted about what this business may look like and how on earth we could make it work. After seeing a ton of NYC real estate we finally found our first flatiron location and thought it would be perfect. Fast forward to May of 2017, we were able to get the doors open, and was great to have a nice head start on some customers that used to be students. I still love to teach, and now that Five Iron has 5 locations, my role and priorities have certainly shifted. I try hard to remember where I came from, realize that customer service and treating people right is really all there is. I certainly could not have dreamed of the situation I am in now, but I feel especially lucky to be surrounded by smart people who care about the same things I do, and get to be building something pretty damn cool.

2. If you could go back in time and coach yourself, what would you work on?
Short answer is putting. I used to play a game with friends where we would drop balls on the putting green and bet on who could hit it closer and who could make better scores. Probably unhealthy from a gambling perspective, but there is no better way to mimic real on- course pressure than by playing competitive games with something on the line. I wish I did more of that.

3. Who have been major influences in your career?
My Dad certainly got me into the game, never pressured me, it was always something I loved doing and would drag him to the range. I’d be lying if I didn’t include Tiger as a real reason I got influenced when I was young, he was the one who made it cool. Teaching wise, watching Tom Sutter first hand in the early days was instrumental for me. Top coaches and their books like Jim Mclean, Mike Bender, Mike Hebron, and Butch Harmon all made an impact on me in different ways.

4. What have you learned from other instructors?
I feel like I understand a lot of different style preferences the top coaches have adopted, but a big tenant for me is that every coach and every tip can be right depending on the player and their tendencies. I’ve also learned that while having an in depth understanding of the swing can be useful, compartmentalizing and trying to think mechanically while over the ball rarely helps players on the course.

5. How do you define success for a student?
Every student’s goals, time commitments and skill levels will be a moving target, so making sure those are defined before doing something unrealistic is important. That said, success in my mind is when a player knows their swing and game well enough to be able to become their own coach, know their tendencies good or bad, and have a healthy inventory of moves and swing keys that they can rely on.

6. How has technology helped your teaching?
I’m a simulator baby so I could go on for a while here. Having simulators give feedback on why the ball did what it did expedites the learning process and allows for isolating different measurable components the swing. Also putting yourself into game like scenarios where you have to vary clubs, hit shots with consequence and chip and putt much more mimics the pace of a reap round of golf vs banging balls aimlessly at the range.

7. What are the best tools in your arsenal when it comes to creative instruction?
I’m pretty old school, certainly a camera and a TrackMan have become great tools for me, but things like an impact bag and a mirror I still use often.

8.What’s your favorite golf movie?
Tin Cup

9.Who’s your favorite golfer and why?
Maybe lame, but there is still only one person who gets me the most excited when they’re in contention on Sunday… Tiger

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